And live somewhere near LA?  Then I suggest you take this class at Home Ec/Reform School.  I’ll be going, so if you’re a friend, which I’m sure you are since you read my blog, feel free to hitch a ride.

Even if you don’t want to come take the class with me, check out Alissa’s blog.  Her work is amazing.

I took an embroidery class at Reform School a couple of months ago which was wonderful.  I’ve done absolutely no embroidery since then (honestly, not a stitch), but that’s because I got caught up with a few other projects and the embroidery got pushed to the bottom of the pile.  I need to dig it all out again.  Of course, that’s after I finish all the rest of the projects that seem to be piling up around here.  Why is it again I’m adding something else to the list?  Just kidding!

What else have I been up to?  Honestly, not much that’s blog worthy.  More sampler quilt blocks coming along, but not done yet.  I’ve been messing around with several knitting projects, most of which have failed and had to be ripped out.  The only successful knitting I’ve been doing is the socks from this post (started over a year ago, sheesh) and they’re coming along quite nicely.  One sock is done and the other one is almost to the toe, so I should be done by the end of the week (fingers crossed).  Mostly I’ve been being the good little homemaker I’m supposed to be, doing a little decorating and lots of housework.  We’ve got quite a few home improvement projects planned for the next couple months and quite a backlog of things that need done around here.  The joys of owning a home, right?  At least I have this great class to look forward to.  Hope you can make it!